In publishing, the slush pile is the set of unsolicited query letters or manuscripts sent either directly to the publisher or literary agent by authors, or to the publisher by an agent not known to the publisher.
The infamous slush pile, the place where no writer wants their manuscript to end up but, unless they have a good and well-known agent, is where it will inevitably land. In other words, it’s where the little-known or unknown writers end up if they can’t rope themselves the right agent.
On The Writer’s Scrap Bin, though, the Slush Pile is exactly where these writers want to be. It’s where I highlight the little-known/unknown writers and works I have read and reviewed. This list will be changing constantly, so keep a constant eye on it. To read my reviews of the books, follow the links below the gallery.
Eternal Love by Nived
Rational Tax Reform by Jim Hartung
Odell’s Fall by Norman Bacal
Love is Orange: Stoking the Fire by F.C. Neil
Hidden from Our Eyes by James Fisher
The Professor by T.A. Evans
Emaddin Adventures, Book One by Omar Pasha
Emaddin Adventures, Book Two by Omar Pasha
A Future With Hope by Carl S. Armato
The Ultimate Culinary Collection by Stuart Hopkins
Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre
In God We Trust: Morally Responsible Investing by George P. Schwartz
The Exigent Earth by Beverly Knauer and Murray Rosenthal
Lean Mastery by Michael Craig
Mastering Java by Michael B. White
McDowell by William H. Coles
Rejuvenaging by Dr. Ron Kaiser
Big Things Have Small Beginnings by Wes Berry
Swerve: The Little Bastards 2 by Jim Lindsay
The Leper Messiah by Rob Levinson
Mastering Python by Michael B. White
NASM Exam Prep by CPT Test Prep Team
The Blogger Trailmap by Chivi Frost
The Magic List: Girl Invictus by Mark Tiro
Thinking in Systems by Alex J. Golding
Computer Networking by Michael B. White
Modern Real Estate Investing by John Harvey
Where Wildfires Glow by Mutch Katsonga
Master Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Michael Garron
Napoleon Bonaparte by Adam Brown
Emotional Intelligence by Michael Garron
Invisible Me by H.M. Irwing
Skooter Girl by Darielle Mac
Lakewood: Reggie and Anita’s Camelot by Reggie Hill
Sunshine’s Excellent Adventures by Reggie and Anita Hill
The Present is a Gift by Elchanan Ogorek
Mumbai Matinee by Ajay Kaul
Crossing Allenby Bridge by Michael Looft
Down the Rabbit Hole: Into France by Jason Walker
Down the Rabbit Hole: Escape and Evasion by Jason Walker
Down the Rabbit Hole: Secret Agents by Jason Walker
Painting Glorious Rose Flowers in Watercolor by Lela Stankovic
Hubris by Sarah V. Hines
Billy Gogan, American by Roger Higgins
The Little Bastards by Jim Lindsay
Curve Couture by H.M. Irwing
The Revenge of the Forgotten by Xavier Mayot
Absurdimals: Lola Goes to School by Gwendolyn Javor
99 Creative WOWs by Randi Brill
The Long Body That Connects Us All by Rich Marcello
Cursed! by Idabel Allen
The Amazon Legacy by Zenay Beleke Ben-Yochanan
Quit Smoken!!! by Ron Roesch
Visual Training for Tennis: Going Beyond “Watch the Ball” by Bill Patton
Set You Free by Elmer Seward
The Ghost Years by Mutch Katsonga
The Book of Angels: Twin Flames Rising by Maya El
Heartaches: Bad Boy Vibes by H.M. Irwing
Heartaches 2: Bad Boy Vibes by H.M. Irwing
Heartaches 3: Bad Boy Vibes by H.M. Irwing
Service Now Development Handbook by Tim Woodruff
Daddy’s Curse by Luke G. Dahl
7 Simple Tricks for Remembering People’s Names by Travis Tyler
The Vampire Christ by Nicholas P. Clark
Getting COMFY by Jordan Gross
The Legacy of Gaea, Volume I: The Underworld by S.L. Gassick
Little Maryam by Hamid Baig
Swinger Hunt by Natalie Lou
Manipulation by James Edwards
A Brand Strategist’s Note by Sophia Ahn
The Dream Walker by Michelle Murray
69 Shades of Nashville by Nicole Kelly, M.D.
Social Media Marketing by Noah Gray and Michael Fox
The Most Dangerous Dream by Kelsey Brickl
Woke Up on the Wrong Side of the Universe by Nick F. Hawkins
Cryptocurrency by Abraham K. White
ode to poet by Annika Andersson
Flipping Your Fat Loss Switch by John Griffin
Beyond the Spiral Gates by Mutch Katsonga
Stoicism by Abel Gray
Bent: 31 Poems by T.A. Price
Lovebirds Fly South by Chris Leite
The Darkling Threads by Derek Corsaro
The Gospel of Nicholas by Sam Even
Affiliate Marketing by Noah Gray and Michael Fox
Joy.ology: The Chemistry of Happiness by Turker Bas, PhD
All These Things by Mark Tiro
Famous STEM Inventors by Sumita Mukherjee
Implicit: Soul Invictus by Mark Tiro
Era of the Beautiful Women by Valeria Johnson
The Golden Prayer: A Path to Salvation by Edward Weiss
A Killer’s Reflection by Cheryl Denise Bannerman
The Art of Winning by Matshona Dhliwayo
Oscar the Loveable Seagull by Mark Johnson
Is She the One? A Partly True Romantic Comedy by Bob Boog
No Grey Areas by Stuart Hopkins
Driving Grandpa by John Redstand
Dark Side of the World: Golden Silence by Lee Jerrard
Only Human (Act One): The Pooka’s Tales: Speak of the Devil by Leigh Holland
Everything You’ve Ever Done by Amelia Marie Whalen
Remedy: How I Cured the Incurable by Matthew J. Murphy
The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. by Sam B. Miller II
Dawn of Chrysalis by Sam B. Miller II
Evolution of F.O.R.C.E. by Sam B. Miller II
Toxic Romance by Benjamin Parkour
Abigail’s First Day of School by Sarah L. Bailey
The Last Flag by Wren Cavanagh
Sister of Echo: The Making of a Villain Part One by Ameel Koro
Sister of Echo: The Making of Villain Part Two by Ameel Koro
Sister of Echo: The Making of a Villain Part Three by Ameel Koro
The Beauty of the Fall by Rich Marcello
Of Cats and Sea Monsters by Wren Cavanagh
Summer of Magic Anthology edited by Wren Cavanagh
Cast Away for These Reasons: Economic Jihad by Jo M. Sekimonyo
A Love Story: How God Pursued Me and Found Me: An Impossibly True Story by Samantha Ryan Chandler
Skeleton Key 1: Blackmail by Anna James Watson

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