On May 11th I told you about several side-jobs for struggling writers, most of which I had just started using myself. Now, after a month, I have some extended advice on one of those side-job platforms: Freelancer.
I don’t think Freelancer is a bad option. If you have the time, initiative, and a little money to start out with, it can be a great way to find freelance work and new opportunities. However, it just wasn’t for me. Once my free 30-day trial ended, I knew that it wasn’t worth even the $0.99 per month given my current situation.
After the 30-day free trial you get when you sign up, the most basic plan costs $0.99 per month. This price is reasonable if you are able to get work on their site. I, unfortunately, did not have any success during my free trial. I sent out many bids and sifted through many opportunities and I was unable to snag anything.
Given the number of freelance editors and writers on Freelancer, it’s no wonder that it’s hard to break into that market. When you’re just starting out like I am, even low-paying jobs are far and few between, if not nonexistent. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of time to make yourself stand out, even more so when you don’t have much experience to boast. I didn’t have the time to dedicate to sending out bid after endless bid in the hopes that I may finally get some small job, let alone the $0.99 per month to spare.
I’ve also had quite the issue with scam communications on Freelancer. Every single message I received from a “potential client” on there had red flags, including asking for communication outside of Freelancer and not responding when asked to keep communication on the site. My issues with Upwork may have ended with my own boneheaded mistake but they started with scam job offers, and I’m not about to go through that nightmare again.
Perhaps I’ll return to Freelancer when I have more experience on my résumé and the money to invest in the membership. For now, I’m content to stick to Fiverr. I’ve actually landed jobs on Fiverr, not to mention that it’s free to be a member. They take 20% of the profit but at least you can be a member without monthly or annual fees. You can also leave gigs so that employers can find you in addition to you searching through buyer’s requests, which makes the job hunt much more convenient and less time-consuming.
Have you had better luck on Freelancer? Advice to those who need help on any of these freelancing sites? Leave your words of wisdom in the comments.