Happy Friday! I’m here to tell you about another contest from Writer’s Digest. (There are scores of them.) This particularly opportunity is for those of you who have put the time and effort into self-publishing an e-book. Your book must be self-published in e-book format before you enter the contest, so be certain that you read all of the rules and FAQs before trying to enter.
Here are some basic details:
- You must enter online.
- There are several categories in which you can enter: mainstream/literary fiction, genre fiction, nonfiction, inspirational, life stories, children’s picture books, middle grade/young adult books, and poetry.
- The entries are judged based on content, writing quality, and overall quality of production and appearance.
- One grand prize winner will get $5000, a feature article about them and their book in the May/June 2018 issue of Writer’s Digest, a paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Conference, and more.
- One first prize winner in each category will get $1000, promotion in the May/June 2018 issue of Writer’s Digest, and more.
- Honorable mention winners get $50 worth of Writer’s Digest books and promotion on the Writer’s Digest website.
- The early-bird deadline is August 1, 2017 and the regular deadline is September 5th.
- The entry fees for the early-bird deadline are $99 for the first entry and $75 for any additional entries.
- The entry fees for the regular deadline are $110 for the first entry and $85 for each additional entry.
I suggest thoroughly reading all of the details on their website. You should especially look at how your self-published e-book should be entered.
Good luck to all who participate.
Know of any upcoming writing contests? Share your knowledge in the comments below or contact me at thewritersscrapbin@gmail.com.