Here’s a link to the program’s web page. Make of it what you will and let me know if you find something I missed.
A couple weeks ago, maybe a month, I learned that the Master’s program I am enrolled in will be closing to new students. I was shocked to learn this but, with everything I have been doing, that news sort of fell to the wayside. Yesterday another student in my program posted the news on Facebook, and so I was reminded of this sad development. I really don’t know if it’s a temporary or permanent matter. Why would the University of Edinburgh close its Master’s in Creative Writing by online distance learning to new students? The on-campus program is continuing, why is my year the last for this great program?
The other students in my year have been batting around the possibilities. Is the university not making enough money from the program? Are they short-staffed? Does it have to do with the current program supervisor taking an early retirement? I also wonder if it has anything to do with the global political environment following Brexit and the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
In truth, we just don’t know. All we know is that we’re glad that we didn’t defer our acceptance like some of us had considered doing and that we all better progress to the next year. We also know that, to us, it just doesn’t make any sense.
All of us in the program have benefited greatly from it. We all love the program and the people we’ve met through it. I know I wouldn’t have gotten past my depression enough to start this blog, my Fiverr gigs, or anything else if I hadn’t gotten into this program. It’s a terrible shame that others won’t be able to benefit from it after my class.
Hopefully they’ll come to their senses and restart the program in 2018/2019 or later. Maybe they just need enough of a rumble from alumni, current students, and perspective students to realize they’ve made a mistake. Maybe a successful alumnae or supporter of the university, creative writing, and online learning students needs to pull some fiscal and public sway. We’ll see what happens and pray that they reverse the decision.
In the meantime, I’ll continue to update my readers on the lessons I learn from this program. I know that there will be plenty. It’s more important now than ever that I share these lessons, given that potential students cannot (for the time being or forever) access this program.
Do you know of any programs that can fill the void left by this one? Any for potential students and writers who, due to personal circumstances, need online learning programs? Any alternatives to such programs overall? Please leave your suggestions in the comments below or email them to me at thewritersscrapbin@gmail.com and I will share your advice in a future blog post.

That’s disappointing that they will be discontinuing the online course! Are you almost finished your degree?
It’s a three-year, part-time program and I just finished the first year. Fortunately it’s continuing for those who are in the program but it’s a shame that new students won’t be able to enter the program. I’m just glad I applied when I did!