Happy holidays, everyone! It has been quite a while since I’ve written on here. I’ve been busy with my beta reading, editing, and related work. I even started ghost writing over the summer. (Not an easy job, I’ll tell you that much–but I’ll save that for another post.) I plan on revitalizing this blog, though, starting with some big news: I have started a Patreon page for The Writer’s Scrap Bin and my own writing.
I’ll be the first to admit that this is a bit of an experiment for me. I’ll be testing out different incentives on the Patreon account to see what the community wants, starting with exclusive writing advice like what you see here on The Writer’s Scrap Bin and my own fiction and poetry. There will also be updates as I start on my journey towards the ultimate goal for any fiction writer: writing my first full-length fiction novel.

Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean that I will be discontinuing The Writer’s Scrap Bin. As I said earlier in the post, I will plan on revitalizing the blog to bring it back to its former glory. Instead, think of the Patreon page as supplemental material that will–hopefully–help to keep the blog going.
As I stumble through this new experience, I will share on here my obstacles and lessons so that you, my regular readers, can benefit from my pitfalls and successes. After all, what use is going through this Patreon process if I don’t share the wisdom that I earn from it?
So, come! Join me on this next part of The Writer’s Scrap Bin’s journey and become a patron on Patreon. Just follow this link. You might just find some interesting content or meet some new, supportive community members along the way.