Good day, readers and writers; it’s Friday once again. Today I wanted to present you with an opportunity unlike the writing contests and publishing opportunities I’ve brought you in the past. Namely, I’m going to talk about a website called the Online Book Club.
If you follow me on social media, you’ve already seen my plethora of posts related to the website’s Book of the Day and the (one) review I’ve published through them thus far. I signed up for the website when I received an invitation through a Twitter direct message, and I’m pretty glad that I grabbed that chance. Not only have I been exposed to a wider range of books but I’ve also learned of a couple opportunities which would help an avid reader/writer earn some extra bucks.
The Online Book Club offers two unique possibilities for its users: to review books and to have your book reviewed. Of course, you can join the website for the sole purpose of their free or discounted Books of the Day and to talk with other readers. However, you can also choose to earn some extra cash as a reviewer or gain some exposure as a writer. Note that it is an either/or situation; you cannot both be a reviewer for the website and ask your book be reviewed because it’s a potential conflict of interest.
The reviews, at first, only give you the books for free in return. You have to climb the ranks through posts on the Book of the Month forums, published reviews, and the number of viewers and replies to your reviews. Nevertheless, it doesn’t take long to reach a paying level if you put a little time into it. I recently reached the minimum-payment books and am currently working on a $5 review.
You can also earn money through the Twitter Retweet Rewards Board, which involves retweeting, liking, and replying to the pinned Tweet on their account every day. In addition, they run a daily giveaway based on the Book of the Day, with the base prize being a $10 Amazon gift card ($20 if you have at least 25 posts).
There are many more details to each of these categories and I don’t have any experience with getting a book reviewed on the site, so I’m going to leave a link here for you to check out yourself. While your there, check out my review of Mois Benarroch’s poetry collection The Immigrant’s Lament.
Know of any interesting exposure, publishing, or money-making opportunities for fellow writers? Drop a line in the comments or e-mail me at