AMUCK! Amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck! My fellow Hocus Pocus fans know what that means: it’s finally October! Halloween is less than 27 days away, 26 if you’re on the East coast or across the Atlantic. Cue the horror films, corn mazes, costumes, and, of course, candy.
With a new month we also have a new monthly giveaway. The October monthly newsletter giveaway is a special one, one which you’ll learn, in a future post, pairs perfectly with my October festivities.
By now, you’ve probably surmised that I’m a huge Disney fan. I make a lot of Disney references and I’ve dedicated a series of posts to the company and its films. I try and go to Disneyland at least once a year, and I live all the way up in Northern California. It’s a family matter, really; my parents would give an arm and a leg each to work for Disney.
The October monthly giveaway pays tribute to this obsession. For this month only, I will be giving away free, personalized guides to having a great Disneyland vacation. It may not sound like much but, trust me, it can take multiple trips to get into a good theme park rhythm. I also know that kids don’t help much (my brothers certainly didn’t). Disneyland is the Happiest Place on Earth, but only if you know how to navigate the crowd and explore the overstimulating surroundings.
To get your free guide, you’ll have to sign up for our newsletter, The Scrapbook, which you can do by following the link provided in the blog’s menu. Then you’ll find the instructions for the giveaway in this month’s newsletter.
I normally charge $5 – $20 for these tips on Fiverr, so make sure to take advantage of this giveaway before October ends.
Also remember to check back regularly as Halloween approaches. You’ll especially want to keep an eye out for a special announcement I’ll be making towards the middle of the month.
Until then, have a fun and festive October, my dearies!

Designed by Stephanie Hoogstad circa 2011