Hello, readers and writers! I’m happy to announce that I’ve added a new page to The Writer’s Scrap Bin, “Stephanie’s Scrap Bin”.
What is “Stephanie’s Scrap Bin”? It’s the place where I will be sharing pieces of my work that I am not confident enough to submit for publication. It is a glimpse into my personal scrap bin, the place where all my unfinished and unpublished work go until I decide they’re worth pursuing again.
This new page will contain my discarded poems, flash fiction stories, and uncategorized works. Keep in mind that the works on this new page are fairly rough drafts. Still, I think it will help other struggling writers who read this blog if they saw the sort of work that I have thrown into my scrap bin, even temporarily. (Plus, this will get some people off my back in regards to seeing some of my work. You know who you are.)
I already state this on the web page and I certainly hope that I won’t have this problem with a community of talented, trustworthy writers, but just for legality’s sake I am going to restate it here:
All pieces posted on “Stephanie’s Scrap Bin” are the original work and property of Stephanie Hoogstad, owner, operator, and lead writer of The Writer’s Scrap Bin. As such, any copying and/or distribution of this work without prior consent and acknowledgement of the source will result in legal action being taken against the offending party or parties.
With that out of the way, I encourage everyone to check out the work on this page. It may not be any good but, hey, we all have work that we think will never see the light of day, right? I just request that you not be too harsh in any comments you make. Critique helps a writer grow, but I don’t want to be ripped apart for work in my scrap bin. None of us really want to be judged by the work that has not made it to publication.
So, please, read and enjoy! And if you have any pieces from your own “scrap bin” or a scrap bin experience that you would like to share, drop a line in the comments below. I’m sure that other struggling writers would appreciate seeing that other writers have missteps and doubts, too.

Designed by Stephanie Hoogstad circa 2011