Happy Hump Day, everyone! I’ve been working on some minor adjustments to this blog, and one of the bigger changes I wanted to let my readers know about is the new Hire Me page.
As many of you already know, I work as a freelance editor, writer, and beta reader. While most of my work has been through Fiverr, I also receive jobs through this blog and via e-mail. Previously, I bundled the Hire Me page with my Contact page. However, I have decided that that page has become too crowded and a redesign was needed.

In addition to separating my hiring information from the main contact information, the new Hire Me page includes a slideshow of works that I edited post-publication, another slideshow of works that I have edited or am currently editing before their initial publication, and a list of my basic rates. I have also decided to include an FAQ section which I will update as the need arises. You will find a selection of reviews I have accumulated on Fiverr as well, all of which have attributed to my 5-star rating as a Level Two Seller on that site.
Furthermore, I plan to start a new feature on the homepage: Featured Gig. This feature will include a brief description of one of the kinds of jobs I do, my starting rate for the gig, and ways in which one can contact me either to hire me or ask for more information on the gig. I don’t know when exactly I will launch this part of the homepage, but keep your eye out for when it finally starts.
If you have any questions about how to hire me, please check out the new Hire Me page. If you have any questions regarding this change to the blog or any which will occur in the future, you can reach me at thewritersscrapbin@gmail.com.

Designed by Stephanie Hoogstad circa 2011
you’ve been busy!! i didn’t realize you’ve worked on so many projects :O