Happy Sunday, loyal readers! Sorry for being absent so long. I thought I wouldn’t be as busy the past couple weeks but boy was I wrong. Anyway, as I mentioned in my review of Mumbai Matinee by Ajay Kaul, March 26th was the one-year anniversary of The Writer’s Scrap Bin. It’s hard to believe that it’s been an entire year since I launched this blog. A lot has happened since then. I discovered Fiverr, started Facebook and Twitter pages for The Writer’s Scrap Bin, and I’ve made some friends along the way. It’s been a stressful year, but a fun one.
So, what’s in store for The Writer’s Scrap Bin in the next year?
Well, as far as I can tell, things are going to continue just as they have the past year. I’ll continue to bring you reviews, writing advice, writing prompts, and more. I might even share some of my thoughts on the Disney franchise. We’ll see.
I do have something cooking behind-the-scenes for this anniversary, though. Many months back, I held a YOP poll in which I asked readers if they would buy merchandise with my logo on it. (You can find the poll and vote on it in the YOP poll archive.) While I haven’t decided exactly how I will proceed with this plan yet, I have been experimented on Vistaprint with some possible designs. I even signed up for their Promobox.
So far I have purchased prototypes for a mug, a pen, and sticky notes, and I’ve bought business cards in bulk. I think that the business cards turned out the best, personally. However, I’m still excited about these other products as well.

Prototype pen with my logo
(I’ll be sure to post more images of both the prototypes and the promobox soon so that all of you can check them out for yourselves.)
I also have my eyes set on starting a forum which will run in affiliation with this blog. This forum will be an area for writers to gather, share advice and success stories/horrible warnings, and for writers to workshop each other’s WIPs. It will most likely be held through Tapatalk, the site through which one of my favorite Dragonriders of Pern role play forums is currently hosted. (Southern Weyr: Overdrive and Renewal for fellow Anne McCaffrey fans who are interested in playing.)
What else is in store for this blog? Well, that will depend on what my readers want. While I’ll have the final say on all decisions about The Writer’s Scrap Bin, I’m also open to hearing your ideas. Feel free to share your thoughts on how you want to see this blog grow following its one-year anniversary. Just drop a line in the comments below or e-mail me at thewritersscrapbin@gmail.com
I can’t wait to hear from everyone!

Designed by Stephanie Hoogstad circa 2011