Hello, everyone! Long time, no read…or write. Two weeks, almost. It’s been quite a busy few weeks for me, and now that I have a moment to breathe, I thought I would just explain my absence.

Image retrieved Memegen
Part of my absence is due to the school year wrapping up. My creative writing portfolio was due last week, and a week from tomorrow (Wednesday) my end-of-year essay is due. So, yeah…cue the panic attacks. Fortunately, next year I will be focusing solely on my Master’s portfolio for school, so hopefully that won’t be quite as chaotic (although no less stressful).
Another part of my absence comes from work. I had some notably large projects due the past couple days, and now I have a steady stream of smaller projects coming in. Don’t get me wrong, I’m incredibly grateful for the work. (Keep it coming, please!) It just makes updating this blog a little more difficult and sporadic.
Another significant reason is medical. As I’ve discussed before, I have chronic migraines. Thursday and Friday, I was hit with particularly bad migraine attacks and was bedridden. I couldn’t even sit up without excruciating pain and nausea, let alone write.
Of course, there have also been the typical issues like family and clingy puppies to deal with. Those are just easier to shut out than the others. (Although I would love to be able to get my dog Bubba to sleep before 3 or 4 in the morning–I’m working on it!)
So, those are some of the reasons for my absence the past several days. While I’m still incredibly busy, I have plenty planned for this blog as well and hope to initiate these plans soon, including updating you on my Vistaprint promoboxes for April and May!
For now, I have messages to catch up on and an essay to write. Keep on writing, and hopefully I’ll be back with more support, advice, and distractions very soon!

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