Happy Friday, readers! Today I have a very interesting publishing opportunity to show you. However, this opportunity is not for story writers or poets. Instead, it’s specifically for freelance article writers. I’m talking about a chance to appear in the 2019 Writer’s Market.
Mind you, this isn’t a contest. There are no awards, no first or second place, or anything of that sort. Instead, it’s a call for submissions from the people behind the Writer’s Market books. Your pitch(es), if accepted, will be bought for a competitive rate (they don’t share the rates unless they accept your work). Still, it’s worth throwing your hat into the ring for the exposure and the money (and a free copy of the 2019 Writer’s Market).
If you wish to submit a pitch, the best way to find out if your article fits is to read a recent edition or two of Writer’s Market. As with all magazines and anthologies, that’s the best way to find what the editors are looking for. However, you can gleam an idea of what they want from this web page. To quote the driving force behind the call, Robert Lee Brewer, they’re looking for “articles that will help freelancers find more success from a business perspective.” Previous editions have included articles on queries, synopses, taxes, business management, etc., so you’re only as limited as your imagination and resources.
Their ideal writer has experience in the topic they’re pitching and access to other experienced sources for interviews, but anyone is welcomed to try their luck and submit their best ideas. You never know if you don’t try, and your specific area of wisdom and experience may be more valuable than you think.
To submit your proposal, send an e-mail to robert.brewer@fwmedia.com with the subject line “2019 Writer’s Market Pitch”. Just remember these rules for submitting:
- Paste the pitch and your bio into the body of the e-mail. Brewer does not like attachments (and for good reason, seeing how easy it is to send viruses via e-mail attachments).
- If you have more than one pitch, submit them all in the same e-mail. Be sure to label them “pitch 1,” “pitch 2,” and so on.
- Place your pitch(es) before your bio.
- Do not send multiple e-mails, even if you realize there’s a typo in the original.
- The deadline is November 26, 2017, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.
For more information, follow this link to the original call for submissions.
Good luck to everyone!
Know of any upcoming contests or publishing opportunities? Drop the information in the comments below or e-mail me at thewritersscrapbin@gmail.com and I will include it in a future Friday Fun-Day contest/publishing opportunity post.

Designed by Stephanie Hoogstad circa 2011
It doesn’t work for me :'(
Oh well. Just gotta keep on writing:)