Greetings, readers and writers! Long time, no read. I know I’ve been gone for a while, but there’s a reason for the absence. Several reasons, actually. The first is all the work I’ve gotten myself into lately. (Don’t get me wrong, I love the income, so keep the work coming!) Another is that the third year of my master’s program is starting soon, which has required some mental preparation on my part, not to mention our first feedback session is October 22nd. The most important reason, however, is that I have been working on some changes and updates for this blog. Namely, I’ve been working on an affiliated forum called The Writer’s Lounge.
The Writer’s Lounge is a lot like The Writer’s Scrap Bin but more interactive. This forum will allow you to meet your fellow writers, share advice and tips, exchange contest and submissions information, and post your works in progress for feedback. There’s a space to promote your work (using a reasonable number of posts) and let others know when you’re holding a contest, raffle, whatever related to your book. You can even discuss your favorite (or least favorite) books in the section titled Book Club or just shoot the breeze with other avid readers and writer in the General Discussion board.
For now, The Writer’s Lounge is only available in English. The Tapatalk Control Panel allows users to change their language but, unfortunately, this setting does not change any of the posts. So, until I discover some other solution, everything will be in English. My apologies to my international readers who rely on the Google translate tool WordPress provides in order to read this blog.
Also, if you wish to read and participate in the forum, you will have to register as a member. I have learned from past experience that it is best to set it so that only members can read the posts. Don’t worry, though; registering is absolutely free, and if you’re already a Tapatalk member, you can just log into your Tapatalk account to access the posts.
If you’re looking for a supportive group of writers with which to share your knowledge and get advice and feedback, please come check out The Writer’s Lounge. I will be checking on the forum regularly and look forward to meeting all of you!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about The Writer’s Lounge, please leaves your thoughts in the comments below or e-mail me at

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