Well, 2017 has been quite the year. I don’t really want to spark any political debates on this blog tonight, so I’ll refrain from commenting on what has happened in the United States–and the world–in general during 2017. Still, I think it would be worth my time to reflect on how this year has gone for me personally and this blog.

Image retrieved from Whatsapp Status
I can’t believe that I only launched this blog in March. It feels like a lifetime ago, and it has, arguably, been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, along with deciding to apply for my Master’s in Creative Writing program. This blog has provided me with a way to share my wisdom and opinions with other writers, connect with more of the publishing industry, and vent in ways which I just can’t achieve through normal social media outlets.
This blog isn’t the only major change to happen to me in 2017. I’ve gained a steady stream of freelance writing, reviewing, and editing jobs (mostly through Fiverr), and I started working for MeowShare part-time. I joined OnlineBookClub.org and experienced Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party for the first (but certainly not last) time. I was even long-listed for the CWA’s Margery Allingham Short Story Competition. Best of all, my new puppy, Bubba, danced his way into my life!
Not all of 2017 has been good, though. Unfortunately, the toxic socio-political climate in my country isn’t all that caused me stress this year. I’ve been up to my eyeballs in work, both paid work and for school. I’ve been deprived of crucial sleep lately. My beloved, geriatric cat, Hunter, passed away in October. My performance in grad school has slipped below my standards (although I’m still passing). 2017 has also decided to leave my mother’s side of the family with a two-fold low blow, which is all I want to say about it on my blog.
Have the good changes outweighed the bad? It depends on your perspective. From my point of view, things could have turned out a lot worse. They could have been better, but they also could have been a lot worse, too. In that way, 2017 has been just like any other year.
Overall, I’m kind of relieved that the year is over. The year “2017” seems to be so tainted now that I’m ready for a new beginning. But do I think 2018 will be any different? Again, it depends. It depends on the way we decide to look at this coming year. It depends on how we choose to view our own lives and the paths we can take. The outcome of 2018 all depends on us.
Until we’re further into the year, though, 2018 has the potential to be much better than its predecessor. It’s a new year, after all, a fresh start. We just have to take it.
Happy New Year, everyone!

Designed by Stephanie Hoogstad circa 2011
Stay away from TV and all its stressing news. you’ll live longer 😉
Glad to hear that 2017 had brought so much positive change to your life 😉
I don’t watch the news on TV; that’s reserved for fantasy, comedy, cartoons, and ghost shows. 😉 It’s the online articles that get me. 😂
And thanks, I hope it’s brought positive change for you, too!